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Tools & Ressources
I write codes for my scientific studies and in my freetime. Here you can find some of these scripts that could be useful to you. The programs feature user-friendly GUIs to guarantee easy use. I also added some recommendations on ressources that provide programs, literature, and tutorials.

ViscoCalc v1.0
This Matlab app allows the calculation of viscosity of silicate melts using two popular viscosity models by Giordano et al., 2008 (EPSL) and Hui & Zhang, 2007 (GCA) via an user-friendly GUI. Melt composition and temperature are input parameters. Alternatively, exemplary compositions can be chosen from a dropdown menu which also allows the import of user data (must be the same order of oxides). Further, glass transition temperatures and the fragility index are calculated. Viscosities are displayed in log (Pa s) and also plotted over a wide temperature range. Results can be easily saved to an excel file, which contains the logViscosity over the temperature range. Please refer to the original papers to check the limitations of each viscosity model (e.g., valid temperature range).
Input = temperature + melt composition (direct user input, example compositions, or import of user data)
Two ways of normalization to 100% (either normalizing all oxides to sum up to 100% or 100-H2O)
Calculate viscosity from both models for a temperature range + the specified temperature
Calculate glass transition temperatures and fragility index
Plot results (logn vs. 1/T)
Save results to an excel file (filename can be defined via text input); the file will be created in the active folder
Open the "ViscoCalc.mlappinstall" file in MATLAB. The app will be installed by Matlab and added to the Apps toolbar.
All credits go to Giordano et al. (2008) and Hui and Zhang (2007) for developing these neat models!
Daniele Giordano, James K. Russell, Donald B. Dingwell,Viscosity of magmatic liquids: A model,Earth and Planetary Science Letters,Volume 271,2008,Pages 123-134,ISSN 0012-821X,
Hui, H.; Zhang, Y. (2007): Toward a general viscosity equation for natural anhydrous and hydrous silicate melts. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71, 2, S. 403–416.,
PS: I am not responsible for any errors, mistakes, software or hardware problems that might be caused by using this program.
Please report bugs to:

This tiny program can be used to explore diffusion in a compositionally zoned single crystal in two-dimensional space. It is kept simple and is meant to primarily give the user a feeling on how diffusion is affected by different preconditions and parameters that control diffusion. Several features allow the user to modify the initial conditions and to change parameters. The program utilizes a finite difference scheme to solve/approximate Fick's equation to fit measured concentration profiles. At this stage the program is suitable for example for demonstration purposes how diffusion modifies concentration gradients.
This is an executable file (.exe) and requires only the Matlab runtime.

This MATLAB app solves a moving boundary diffusion problem using an analytical solution. The app features a simple GUI that eases to use of the program. The GitHub release also includes a script that is similar to the function used by the app, but does allow modifications by the user.
Valuable Links & References
This is a collection of links and ressources that I want to share with you. All credits got to the original owners.
ApTimer: calculate timescales of F-Cl-OH diffusion in apatite (Alex Weiran Li)
PACE: software to assess analytical convolution effects in diffusion studies (Mike Jollands)
CZGM and CZGM-iso: compositional zoning in garnet and its modification by diffusion during pressure and temperature changes in metamorphic rocks (Shah Wali Faryad)
PERPLE_X: thermodynamic calculations to compute phase phase relations and visual outputs. Fortran based. (James A.D. Conolly)
Theria-G: calculation of phase diagrams and multicomponent diffusion in garnet durch metamorphism (Fred Gaidies)
DIPRA: calculate multi-element diffusion in olivine (Fidel Costa)
Closure temperatures and fits to diffusion profiles: (Jibamitra Ganguly)
An insightful collection of presentations and discussions on diffusion in the context of a wide field of geological applications. (Research Unit 2881, Sumit Chakraborty)
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